Thursday, December 26, 2019

7 derechos de los indocumentados si son arrestados

Si eres uno de los 11 millones de indocumentados que viven en los Estados Unidos, estos son tus derechos en los casos de arresto o si la Policà ­a te para en la calle o te ordena parar mientras manejas un auto. Derechos de los indocumentados La policà ­a no puede entrar en una vivienda sin que tenga orden judicial (warrant). La excepcià ³n es si tiene motivos fundados de que se està ¡ cometiendo un delito (atacando a una persona, traficando con drogas, etc.). Si la policà ­a llama a la puerta, pedir el warrant muy educadamente y sin perder los nervios. Si no la tienen sà ³lo pueden ingresar si se les da permiso, pero se les puede decir que no. Si la policà ­a para a un inmigrante en la calle o cuando està ¡ manejando o en el trabajo recordar que se tiene el derecho a permanecer en silencio. La à ºnica excepcià ³n son algunos estados en los que se està ¡ obligado a decir el nombre. Verifica si resides en uno de esos estados. Si es asà ­, se dice. Si la policà ­a lo para a uno se le puede preguntar si se puede ir (free to leave, en inglà ©s). Si la respuesta es afirmativa (hay que oà ­r el yes), se puede ir, pero sin movimientos bruscos. Nunca perder la calma (aunque por dentro se està © muy nervioso). Si se es arrestado se tiene el derecho a pedir hablar con un abogado. Es muy conveniente cargar siempre con el nombre y el nà ºmero de telà ©fono de un abogado de inmigracià ³n con buena reputacià ³n (o incluso mà ¡s de uno, por si no contesta o no puede hacerse cargo del caso). Si se està ¡ como indocumentado en Estados Unidos no cargar con documentos como el pasaporte u otros como la matrà ­cula consular que puedan probar que se està ¡ ilegalmente en el paà ­s. Si se tienen se guardan en un lugar seguro, pero no se les lleva con uno. La razà ³n de lo anterior es que para que el gobierno pueda deportar a una persona es necesario que pruebe que està ¡ aquà ­ ilegalmente (o que ha hecho algo que amerita la deportacià ³n). Si no se dice nada, si no hay rà ©cords de ninguna clase entonces tiene difà ­cil probar su caso. Lo mà ¡s aconsejable es no hablar ni mostrar documentos y esperar por el abogado. Si se està ¡ ilegalmente en el paà ­s y se tienen personas dependientes como por ejemplo hijos menores, tomar la precaucià ³n de hablar con personas de confianza quià ©n debe hacerse cargo de ellos, cuà ¡les son las instrucciones, cà ³mo acceder al dinero ahorrado para gastos, etc. Es incluso muy conveniente hacer un escrito ante notario. Jamà ¡s firmar algo que no se entiende. Esto puede ser porque està ¡ en inglà ©s y sà ³lo se habla espaà ±ol o porque no se acaba de entender las consecuencias del documento que se le pone delante. Tampoco firmar ningà ºn papel si no se està ¡ de acuerdo con lo que dice, aunque se entienda. En estos casos esperar por el abogado. Una vez que se firma es muy difà ­cil dar marcha atrà ¡s. NO importa lo mucho que insistan. Si no se quiere firmar o no se entiende, no se firma. Muy importante Jamà ¡s dar o enseà ±ar a la Policà ­a un documento falso. Jamà ¡s decir que se es ciudadano americano si es una mentira. Esto es muy grave. Permanece callado, si asà ­ se desea. Pero no mentir, si se habla. Si la policà ­a lo para a uno, permanecer siempre en calma. Jamà ¡s mostrarse violento, muy nervioso, hacer movimientos extraà ±os o salir huyendo, esto à ºltimo es considerado como una violacià ³n migratoria que amerita la deportacià ³n. Saber que existen en las carreteras retenes migratorios internos en algunas partes del paà ­s. A tener en cuenta De los estimados 11 millones de indocumentados presentes en Estados Unidos, aproximadamente menos de cinco podrà ¡n beneficiarse de las medidas anunciadas por el presidente Obama que les protege frente a la deportacià ³n. Si crees que puedes calificar para esas medidas, infà ³rmate con abogados u organizaciones de apoyo a inmigrantes que sean reputados. Evita ser và ­ctima de un fraude migratorio y considera reportar los casos que sepas. No  pagues a personas que ofrecen cosas que simplemente no existen o que cobran por sus gestiones cantidades completamente desorbitadas. Y ten presente que por ahora DAPA y DACA extendido no se està ¡n aplicando. Y si recibes una carta para presentarte en Corte es el momento de buscar abogado. Tener presente que puede haber una demora grande en los casos en las Cortes migratorias. De interà ©s En algunos estados, como por ejemplo Nueva York o California, algunos indocumentados podrà ­an ser considerados PRUCOL. En estos casos, tendrà ­an derecho a algunos beneficios sociales de los que generalmente los indocumentados està ¡n excluidos. Y es que hay importantes diferencias entre estados en lo que afecta a indocumentados: unos son muy estrictos y otros han pasado medidas para hacerles la vida un poco menos difà ­cil. Finalmente, la presidencia de Donald Trump està ¡ teniendo un  gran impacto en las comunidades migrantes. Esos son 9 asuntos migratorios sobre los que ya se ha pronunciado y conviene estar familiarizados. Ademà ¡s, conviene saber cuà ¡les son las 7 nuevas prioridades de deportacià ³n, segà ºn orden ejecutiva de enero de 2017. Este artà ­culo es meramente informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Renewable Energy Sources For Fossil Fuels - 1240 Words

We live in a world where we have to rely on resources such as fossil fuels in order to provide us energy. Almost everything we use nowadays consumes power in some form, and in tandem we rely on energy. Fossil fuels have become the go to resource for providing power. Fossil fuels include natural resources such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas. These fossil fuels fall under the non-renewable category because they take thousands of years in order to form naturally and cannot be replaced as fast as they are being consumed. Another non-renewable energy source is nuclear fuel, which is primarily obtained through the mining and refining of uranium ore. But how could we have used energy in the past without the use of fossil fuels? The answer is†¦show more content†¦While fossil fuels are widely used there is still the fear that we will eventually run out of fossil fuels to power our civilizations. Without these fuels we could not be able to power everything that needs power. In a ddition, the use of fossil fuels raises serious environmental concerns. The burning of fossil fuels produces around 21.3 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide per year and natural processes can only absorb about half that amount. Because nature can’t absorb every bit of carbon dioxide being released there is a net increase in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide. This is dangerous because carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases increase the temperature of the Earth by trapping heat inside our atmosphere. This keeps the temperature higher than if we were only being heated directly by the sun. Because the Earth is hotter this speeds up global warming, which will cause problems. On the other hand there is renewable energy. Renewable energy is defined as any naturally occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source of energy such as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave, and hydroelectric power, that is not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel. Renewable energy contributes around 14% of global generation of energy. Renewable energy is important and useful because some sources are clean and both reusable, but there are many different sources for

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Software Testing - Automation free essay sample

What is automation Testing? In  software testing,  test automation  is the use of special  software  (separate from the software being tested) to control the execution of tests, the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes, the setting up of test preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions. Commonly, test automation involves automating a manual process already in place that uses a formalized testing process. Goal of Automation is to reduce number of test cases to be run manually and not eliminate manual testing all together. Why Automated Testing? Automated testing is important due to following reasons:   * Manual Testing of  all work flows  is time and cost consuming * Manual Validation   of  all fields  is time and cost consuming * Manual Testing of  all negative scenarios  is time and cost consuming * Manual Testing of  all work flows  is time and cost consuming * It is  difficult to test for multi lingual languages manually * Automation does  not  require  Human intervention. We will write a custom essay sample on Software Testing Automation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page You can run automated test unattended (overnight) * Automation  increases   speed of test execution * Automation helps  increase   Test Coverage * Manual Testing  can become  boring  and hence  error prone. SLIDE 3: Which Test Cases to Automate? Test cases to be automated can be selected using the following criterion to increase the automation ROI * High Risk   Business Critical  test cases * Test cases that are  executed repeatedly * Test Cases that are very  tedious  or difficult to perform manually * Test Cases which are  time consuming The following category of test cases are not suitable for automation: * Test Cases that are newly designed  and not executed manually   atleast once * Test Cases  for which the  requirements are changing frequently * Test cases  which are executed on  ad-hoc bases. Scripts can be executed in a single machines or group of virtual machines and it can be done through nightly runs. Maintenance Automation Scripts need to be added, reviewed and maintained for each release cycle as new functionalities are added to the System Under Test with successive cycles. Maintenance becomes necessary to improve effectiveness of Automation Scripts.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Scarlet Letter By Hawthorne Essays (289 words) -

Scarlet Letter By Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne's book, The Scarlet Letter, uses physical appearance to mirror a characters physiological or spiritual state. Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale, whom the reader may remember as having taken a brief part in the scene of Hester Prynne's disgrace, is a complex character. "The young minister, whose health had severely suffered, of late, by his too unreserved self-sacrifice to the labors and duties of the pastoral relation." Hawthorne is making the reader aware of Mr. Dimmesdale leaving them to ask themselves why he is getting sick. Is it because he has some hidden guilt or sin? Dimmesdale is sick because of the unknown truth between him and Hester Prynne, which leads up to Hester Prynne's daughter Pearl, the scarlet vision. "Pearl, that wild and flighty little elf, stole, softly towards him, and, taking his hand in the grasp of both her own, laid her cheek against it; a caress so tender . . . little Pearl's unwanted mood of sentiment last no longer; she laughed, and went capering down the hall." Pearl, not known to be kind to anyone except her mother, laid her cheek on Reverend Dimmesdale's hand to show there is a connection between Dimmesdale and little Pearl. Furthermore, old Roger Chillingworth is an important character to the story. "Hester Prynne . . . perceived what change had come over his features, - how much uglier they were, - how his dark complexion seemed to have grown duskier, and his figure more misshapen, - since the days she had familiarly known him." Roger Chillingworth is looking to seek out whom Hester had slept with. He loved her and the pain of not knowing who committed this crime with her was eating at his soul and tearing away his physical appearance. There are hints that the author leaves to let us think about each individual character and the hidden meanings behind them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Angelas Ashes

Angela’s Ashes The sociological imagination is best described as, an individual’s understanding of the direct affects that society and social instances have on their own personal growth and development. Angela’s Ashes is a brilliantly displayed example of how: a situation that one individual person is born into can have a great impact on the way that person continues their life. This film is based on Frank McCourt’s upbringing in Limerick, Ireland in 1935. Frankie was born into a family with intense financial burdens. At the start of the film, Frankie is one out of five children. Quickly, the audience sees that due to the father’s drinking problem, the harsh living conditions, and the father’s inability to maintain a job, three of the children die of starvation. Throughout the film, the audience continues to witness how bad the situation that Frankie and his other siblings are in is. As sad as it may seem, Frankie is the â€Å"candle burning in the windâ € , during the entire film. As much as Frankie loves his father, he realizes how he has not and continues to not provide for his family. Through this realization, Frankie decides that he will not be like that, which is a good example of how one’s society shapes one’s future. On a number of occasions, after Frankie’s father left for America, Frankie actually witnessed his mother begging for financial assistance from the government, friends, family, and neighbors. Frankie was so very ashamed of this practice that he vowed that he would, one day move to America and provide for himself and his own family. When Frankie turned fifteen, in efforts to support his mother and siblings, he went out and got a job at a coal mine. Frankie was forced to take on the position of his father, which his father did not assume, by supporting his mother and siblings. Angela’s Ashes portrays the way that one’s history affects one’s very own biography. Frankie’s histo... Free Essays on Angelas Ashes Free Essays on Angelas Ashes Angela’s Ashes The sociological imagination is best described as, an individual’s understanding of the direct affects that society and social instances have on their own personal growth and development. Angela’s Ashes is a brilliantly displayed example of how: a situation that one individual person is born into can have a great impact on the way that person continues their life. This film is based on Frank McCourt’s upbringing in Limerick, Ireland in 1935. Frankie was born into a family with intense financial burdens. At the start of the film, Frankie is one out of five children. Quickly, the audience sees that due to the father’s drinking problem, the harsh living conditions, and the father’s inability to maintain a job, three of the children die of starvation. Throughout the film, the audience continues to witness how bad the situation that Frankie and his other siblings are in is. As sad as it may seem, Frankie is the â€Å"candle burning in the windâ € , during the entire film. As much as Frankie loves his father, he realizes how he has not and continues to not provide for his family. Through this realization, Frankie decides that he will not be like that, which is a good example of how one’s society shapes one’s future. On a number of occasions, after Frankie’s father left for America, Frankie actually witnessed his mother begging for financial assistance from the government, friends, family, and neighbors. Frankie was so very ashamed of this practice that he vowed that he would, one day move to America and provide for himself and his own family. When Frankie turned fifteen, in efforts to support his mother and siblings, he went out and got a job at a coal mine. Frankie was forced to take on the position of his father, which his father did not assume, by supporting his mother and siblings. Angela’s Ashes portrays the way that one’s history affects one’s very own biography. Frankie’s histo...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Major General George McClellan in the Civil War

Major General George McClellan in the Civil War George Brinton McClellan was born December 23, 1826 in Philadelphia, PA. The third child of Dr. George McClellan and Elizabeth Brinton, McClellan briefly attended the University of Pennsylvania in 1840 before leaving to pursue legal studies. Bored with the law, McClellan elected to seek a military career two years later. With the aid of President John Tyler, McClellan received an appointment to West Point in 1842 despite being a year younger than the typical entry age of sixteen. In school, many of McClellans close friends, including A.P. Hill and Cadmus Wilcox, were from the South and would later become his adversaries during the Civil War. His classmates included future notable generals in Jesse L. Reno, Darius N. Couch, Thomas Stonewall Jackson, George Stoneman, and George Pickett. An ambitious student while at the academy, he developed a great interest in the military theories of Antoine-Henri Jomini and Dennis Hart Mahan. Graduating second in his class in 1846, he was assigned to the Corps of Engineers and ordered to remain at West Point. Mexican-American War This duty was brief as he was soon dispatched to the Rio Grande for service in the Mexican-American War. Arriving off the Rio Grande too late to take part in Major General Zachary Taylors campaign against Monterrey, he fell ill for a month with dysentery and malaria. Recovering, he shifted south to join General Winfield Scott for the advance on Mexico City. Preforming reconnaissance missions for Scott, McClellan gained invaluable experience and earned a brevet promotion to first lieutenant for his performance at Contreras and Churubusco. This was followed by a brevet to captain for his actions at the Battle of Chapultepec. As the war was brought to a successful conclusion, McClellan also learned the value of balancing political and military affairs as well as maintaining relations with civilian populations. Interwar Years McClellan returned to a training role at West Point after the war and oversaw a company of engineers. Settling into a series of peacetime assignments, he wrote several training manuals, aided in the construction of Fort Delaware, and took part in an expedition up the Red River led by his future father-in-law Captain Randolph B. Marcy. A skilled engineer, McClellan was later assigned to survey routes for the transcontinental railroad by Secretary of War Jefferson Davis. Becoming a favorite of Davis, he conducted an intelligence mission to Santo Domingo in 1854, before being promoted to captain the following year and posted to the 1st Cavalry Regiment. Due to his language skills and political connections, this assignment was brief and later that year he was dispatched as an observer to the Crimean War. Returning in 1856, he wrote of his experiences and developed training manuals based on European practices. Also during this time, he designed the McClellan Saddle for use by the US Army. Electing to capitalize on his railroad knowledge, he resigned his commission on January 16, 1857 and became the chief engineer and vice president of the Illinois Central Railroad. In 1860, he also became the president of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. Tensions Rise Though a gifted railroad man, McClellans primary interest remained the military and he considered returning the US Army and becoming a mercenary in support of Benito Jurez. Marrying Mary Ellen Marcy on May 22, 1860 in New York City, McClellan was an avid supporter of Democrat Stephen Douglas in the 1860 presidential election. With the election of Abraham Lincoln and the resulting Secession Crisis, McClellan was eagerly sought by several states, including Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio, to lead their militia. An opponent of federal interference with slavery, he was also quietly approached by the South but refused citing his rejection of the concept of secession. Building an Army Accepting Ohios offer, McClellan was commissioned a major general of volunteers on April 23, 1861. In place four days, he wrote a detailed letter to Scott, now general-in-chief, outlining two plans for winning the war. Both were dismissed by Scott as unfeasible which led to tensions between the two men. McClellan re-entered federal service on May 3 and was named commander of the Department of the Ohio. On May 14, he received a commission as a major general in the regular army making him second in seniority to Scott. Moving to occupy western Virginia to protect the Baltimore Ohio Railroad, he courted controversy by announcing that he would not interfere with slavery in the area. Pushing through Grafton, McClellan won a series of small battles, including Philippi, but began to display the cautious nature and unwillingness to fully commit his command to battle that would dog him later in the war. The only Union successes to date, McClellan was ordered to Washington by President Lincoln after Brigadier General Irvin McDowells defeat at First Bull Run. Reaching the city on July 26, he was made commander of the Military District of the Potomac and immediately began assembling an army out of the units in the area. An adept organizer, he worked tirelessly to create the Army of the Potomac and cared deeply for the welfare of his men. In addition, McClellan ordered an extensive series of fortifications constructed to protect the city from Confederate attack. Frequently butting heads with Scott regarding strategy, McClellans favored fighting a grand battle rather than implementing Scotts Anaconda Plan. Also, he insistence on not interfering with slavery drew ire from Congress and the White House. As the army grew, he became increasingly convinced that the Confederate forces opposing him in northern Virginia badly outnumbered him. By mid-August, he believed that enemy strength numbered around 150,000 when in fact it seldom exceeded 60,000. Additionally, McClellan became highly secretive and refused to share strategy or basic army information with Scott and Lincolns cabinet. To the Peninsula In late October, the conflict between Scott and McClellan came to a head and the elderly general retired. As a result, McClellan was made general-in-chief, despite some misgivings from Lincoln. Increasingly more secretive regarding his plans, McClellan openly disdained the president, referring to him as a well-mannered baboon, and weakened his position through frequent insubordination. Facing growing anger over his inaction, McClellan was called to the White House on January 12, 1862 to explain his campaign plans. At the meeting, he outlined a plan calling for the army to move down the Chesapeake to Urbanna on the Rappahannock River before marching to Richmond. After several additional clashes with Lincoln over strategy, McClellan was forced to revise his plans when Confederate forces withdrew to a new line along the Rappahannock. His new plan called for landing at Fortress Monroe and advancing up the Peninsula to Richmond. Following the Confederate withdraw, he came under heavy criticism for allowing their escape and was removed as general-in-chief on March 11, 1862. Embarking six days later, the army began a slow movement to the Peninsula. Failure on the Peninsula Advancing west, McClellan moved slowly and again was convinced that he faced a larger opponent. Stalled at Yorktown by Confederate earthworks, he paused to bring up siege guns. These proved unnecessary as the enemy fell back. Crawling forward, he reached a point four miles from Richmond when he was attacked by General Joseph Johnston at Seven Pines on May 31. Though his line held, the high casualties shook his confidence. Pausing for three weeks to await reinforcements, McClellan was again attacked on June 25 by forces under General Robert E. Lee. Quickly losing his nerve, McClellan began falling back during a series of engagements known as the Seven Days Battles. This saw inconclusive fighting at Oak Grove on June 25 and a tactical Union victory at Beaver Dam Creek the next day. On June 27, Lee resumed his attacks and won a victory at Gaines Mill. Subsequent fighting saw Union forces driven back at Savages Station and Glendale before finally making at stand at Malvern Hill on July 1. Concentrating his army at Harrisons Landing on the James River, McClellan remained in place protected by the guns of the US Navy. The Maryland Campaign While McClellan remained on the Peninsula calling for reinforcements and blaming Lincoln for his failure, the president appointed Major General Henry Halleck as general-in-chief and ordered Major General John Pope to form the Army of Virginia. Lincoln also offered command of the Army of the Potomac to Major General Ambrose Burnside, but he declined. Convinced that the timid McClellan would not make another attempt on Richmond, Lee moved north and crushed Pope at the Second Battle of Manassas on August 28-30. With Popes force shattered, Lincoln, against the wishes of many Cabinet members, returned McClellan to overall command around Washington on September 2. Joining Popes men to the Army of the Potomac, McClellan moved west with his reorganized army in pursuit of Lee who had invaded Maryland. Reaching Frederick, MD, McClellan was presented with a copy of Lees movement orders which had been found by a Union soldier. Despite a boastful telegram to Lincoln, McClellan continued to move slowly allowing Lee to occupy the passes over South Mountain. Attacking on September 14, McClellans cleared the Confederates away at the Battle of South Mountain. While Lee fell back to Sharpsburg, McClellan advanced to Antietam Creek east of the town. An intended attack on the 16th was called off allowing Lee to dig in. Beginning the Battle of Antietam early on the 17th, McClellan established his headquarters far to the rear and was unable to exert personal control over his men. As a result, the Union attacks were not coordinated, allowing the outnumbered Lee to shift men to meet each in turn. Again believing that it was he who was badly outnumbered, McClellan refused to commit two of his corps and held them in reserve when their presence on the field would have been decisive. Though Lee retreated after the battle, McClellan had missed a key opportunity to crush a smaller, weaker army and perhaps end the war in the East. Relief 1864 Campaign In the wake of the battle, McClellan failed to pursue Lees wounded army. Remaining around Sharpsburg, he was visited by Lincoln. Again angered by McClellans lack of activity, Lincoln relieved McClellan on November 5, replacing him with Burnside. Though a poor field commander, his departure was mourned by the men who felt that Little Mac had always worked to care for them and their morale. Ordered to report to Trenton, NJ to await orders by Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, McClellan was effectively sidelined. Though public calls for his return were issued after the defeats at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, McClellan was left to write an account of his campaigns. Nominated as the Democratic candidate for the presidency in 1864, McClellan was hamstrung by his personal view that the war should be continued and the Union restored and the partys platform which called for an end to the fighting and a negotiated peace. Facing Lincoln, McClellan was undone by the deep divide in the party and numerous Union battlefield successes which bolstered the National Union (Republican) ticket. On election day, he was defeated by Lincoln who won with 212 electoral votes and 55% of the popular vote. McClellan only garnered 21 electoral votes. Later Life In the decade after the war, McClellan enjoyed two long trips to Europe and returned to the world of engineering and railroads. In 1877, he was nominated as the Democratic candidate for governor of New Jersey. He won the election and served a single term, leaving office in 1881. An avid supporter of Grover Cleveland, he had hoped to be named secretary of war, but political rivals blocked his appointment. McClellan suddenly died on October 29, 1885, after suffering from chest pains for several weeks. He was buried at Riverview Cemetery in Trenton, NJ.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Film Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Film Studies - Essay Example He was born and raised in New York and has a Jewish background which is often displayed by many of his heroes in films. He certainly has a love affair with the city since the majority of his films are located and situated around New York and its surroundings. His comedic talents were obvious from his younger days in school as well as his stay at New York University and the City College of New York (Wikipedia, 2007). With this set of close connections to the city his films and words can be examined to show his vision of modern city life. The first film which can be connected to these ideas is Manhattan. It was a commercial success when it came out in 1979 and for all practical purposes; it was a love letter from Woody Allen to the city of his birth (Lee, 2005). The story of the film connects with two couples who are within the city but for our purposes the opening sequence of the film becomes very important. The opening scenes of Manhattan show a montage city life which includes the skyline, eating places in the city, parades on New York streets, the parks of the cities and other important civic landmarks. At the same time, the voiceover given by the character of Isaac shows how much the city is loved by the writer. The adoration towards New York City is painfully obvious even if Isaac does not like many of the people living in the city or their behaviour towards him and others. While the city seems to have lost its value in some way since it seems to take out the idea of individuality from the people living in it, it gives something back to them in terms of creating a fraternity of city dwellers that have quite a lot in common. While a city like New York certainly contains prostitutes, drugs, criminal elements and even things which people would move to avoid, Allen focuses on the brighter side of living in a city rather than the suburbs. The brighter side shows a vision of high theatres, classical music concerts, museums and even a shot

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The effectiveness of Polymer reinforced Concrete Masonry (CMU) Walls Essay

The effectiveness of Polymer reinforced Concrete Masonry (CMU) Walls as Compared to unreinforced CMU Walls - Essay Example Using of FRP composites have been viewed as a suitable and cost-effective way for strengthening URM. Seismic design in the USA is nearly completely grounded on the consideration that the structural system gives a flexible failure mode. Masonry walls strengthened by FRP actually have fragile failure modes as a result of the nature of the strengthening system itself. The idea explored in our research paper is the introduction of flexibility using some kind of hybrid strengthening system. We based our investigation on the experiments held by J.J. Myers and P. Carney (cited in Tumialan, 2005). The research study investigated the practicability of developing continuity between the FRP and the surrounding reinforced concrete frame system. In the paper, we evaluated strengthened URM wall's functioning using static tests as tools for our investigation. The authors whose works we used for the examination utilized 2 strengthening methods including the application of glass FRP (GFRP) laminates to the wall's surface and the installation of near surface mounted (NSM) GFRP rods. In both methods, the strengthening material was anchored to boundary members above and below the wall on some of the specimens in the research program. A shear retrofit, the effects of bond pattern, and the effects of FRP laminate strip width were also investigated in our paper. The development of continuity between the FRP materials and the surrounding framing system is important to improving the blast resistance of URM infill walls. Keywords: FRP strengthening; blast resistance; masonry wall retrofits; masonry wall connections. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. BACKGROUND Recent events in the world have attracted attention to the vulnerability and sustainability of buildings and infrastructure to acts of terrorism. Our infrastructure is vital to this nation's economy and way of life. Any damage to it would and has had drastic effects on our culture. Attacks may cause a variety of results ranging from minor building damage to complete structural failure and considerable loss of life. Some examples within the United States include the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City (1995) and the bombing and attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City (1993, 2001). Abroad, numerous attacks have been directed toward embassies, and suicide car bombers have been used to targetpopulated areas. In the cases where complete structural failure is not an issue, the dangers of flying debris have resulted in loss of life or injury to numerous civilians. Of particular concern are unreinforced masonry (URM) infill walls. Structural sys tems composed of a reinforced concrete (RC) framing system with URM infill walls makes up a significant portion of the building inventory in the United States and around the world. Since there is no reinforcement within these walls, they have little resistance to out-of-plane loads such as a blast load. As a result, an effort has been undertaken to examine retrofit methods that are feasible to enhance their out-of-plane resistance. One method of strengthening URM walls is the application of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) to the surface of the wall to improve their performance. Today, FRP is considered an emerging technology. Its use began becoming

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Management Accounting and Financial Accounting Essay Example for Free

Management Accounting and Financial Accounting Essay The differences between management accounting and financial accounting include:[1] 1. Management accounting provides information to people within an organization while financial accounting is mainly for those outside it, such as shareholders 2. Financial accounting is required by law while management accounting is not. Specific standards and formats may be required for statutory accounts such as in the I.A.S International Accounting Standard within Europe. 3. Financial accounting covers the entire organization while management accounting may be concerned with particular products or cost centres. Managerial accounting is used primarily by those within a company or organization. Reports can be generated for any period of time such as daily, weekly or monthly. Reports are considered to be future looking and have forecasting value to those within the company. Financial accounting is used primarily by those outside of a company or organization. Financial reports are usually created for a set period of time, such as a fiscal year or period. Financial reports are historically factual and have predictive value to those who wish to make financial decisions or investments in a company. Management Accounting is the branch of Accounting that deals primarily with confidential financial reports for the exclusive use of top management within an organization. These reports are prepared utilizing scientific and statistical methods to arrive at certain monetary values which are then used for decision making. Such reports may include: * Sales Forecasting reports * Budget analysis and comparative analysis * Feasibility studies * Merger and consolidation reports Financial Accounting, on the other hand, concentrates on the production of financial reports, including the basic reporting requirements of profitability, liquidity, solvency and stability. Reports of this nature can be accessed by internal and external users such as the shareholders, the banks and the creditors.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Data Management :: Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access Before you use Microsoft Access to actually build the tables, forms, and other objects that will make up your database, it is important to take time to design your database. A good database design is the keystone to creating a database that foes what you want it to do effectively, accurately, and efficiently. The first step in designing a Microsoft Access database is to determine the purpose of the database and how it’s to be used. You need to know what information you want from the database. Form that, you can determine what subjects you need to store facts about (the tables) and what facts you need to store about each subject (the fields in the tables). Talk to people who will use the database. Brainstorm about the questions you’d like the database to answer. Sketch out the reports you’d like it to produce. Gather the forms you currently use to record your data. Examine well-designed databases similar to the one you are designing. Determining the tables can be the trickiest step in the database – the reports you want to print, the forms you was to use, the questions you want answered – don’t necessarily provide clues about the structure of the tables that produce them. You don’t need to design your tables using Microsoft Access. In fact, it may be better to sketch out and rework your design on paper first. A table should not contain duplicate information, and information should not be duplicated between tables. After you have designed the tables, fields, and relationships you need, it’s time to study the design and detect any flaws that might remain. It is easier to change your database design now, rather than after you have filled the tables with data. (see figure 1-2 on page 4) Use Microsoft Access to create your tables, specify relationships between the tables, and enter a few records of data in each table. See if you can use the database to get the answers you want.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dramatic and relevant to a modern audience Essay

Lots of the characters under go personal development: for example Reverend Hale, who at first is all to eager to ‘shout witch’ but in the end is very disbelieving. My personal belief is that the events are a testament of how people shouldn’t live in a social structure that is overly tight. A crucible is a metal container in which metals are melted to extract their pure element from the impurities. This can easily be linked to the play: first witches supposedly boil potions in cauldrons and a synonym for cauldron is crucible. Secondly, it has a metaphorical meaning: the society of Salem is being heated and stirred in an attempt to remove the impurities and leave only the pure members of the society. An artificial Noah’s Ark, as it were, however this plan backfires some. Act 1 mainly revolves around Abigail and the girls being caught dancing in the woods. The drinking of blood is supposedly a charm to kill Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail wants to be with Proctor after Elizabeth kicked her out for having an affair with Proctor: â€Å"I know that you clutched my back out side your house and sweated like a stallion when ever I come near, or did I dream that? It is she put me out, you cannot pretend it were you. I saw your face when she put me out. You loved me then and you do now! † – Abigail Proctor is fighting an internal conflict; we know that on one side he wants to be with Abigail because: â€Å"[Looking at Abigail now, the faintest suggestion of a knowing smile on his face]† – Stage direction But we also know that he feels very guilty about Elizabeth: â€Å"I mean to please you Elizabeth† – Proctor However, he does tell Abigail that he wants nothing more to do with her: â€Å"Abby, I may have thought of you softly from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I reach for you again. Wipe it out of mind. We never touched Abby. † – Proctor All the time this encounter has been in occurrence, sexual tension is building in the audience. They are also learning about Proctors and anti-hero characteristics. We learn that his name is not entirely white. He is not perfect, and the same applies to most of the characters, they all have good and bad points. I think there are two important points here. One is that Abigail is trying to seduce Proctor with seductive language, and two: Betty is only pretending to be inert. She would have heard all of this, and that is most likely the reason behind her getting up and trying to jump out of the window. Also in Act 1 Abigail threatens marry Warren, Betty and the other girls against telling anyone anything: â€Å"Let any of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you†¦ and you know I can do it†¦ I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down† – Abigail It is here that we learn just how aggressive and manipulative that Abigail really is. She was trying to manipulate Proctor and now she is being extremely aggressive and even explicit towards the girls. We can tell that this is a frantic and tense moment on stage by the over average use of exclamation marks and use of short sentences. We can also see physical violence from Abigail as she violently shakes Betty around. Visually this would be interesting for the audience, creating both anger and tension. There is contrast in the loud violence of this moment to the quiet seduction from Abigail before. Act 2 contrasts from the end of Act 1, in the fact that it is a calm and peaceful scene, over the loud fear-driven hysteria of the end of Act 1. Proctor comes home from ‘seeding’ his farm late at night, and he sits down to eat, with Elizabeth. From the general feel of the scene we can gather that the common room of Proctors house is cold, empty and unwelcoming. This parallels with the relationship between John and Elizabeth. There’s is a great amount of tension between the pair, and they idly make chit-chat at the table, as they feel they need to: â€Å"Proctor: Pray now for a good summer. Elizabeth: Aye† It should be noted that it is Proctor who is trying to make conversation; Elizabeth is spoiling his attempts with one-word answers. Proctor is feeling frustrated because Elizabeth is not acknowledging that Proctor is trying his hardest to repair the relationship. He is forever claiming his desire to please Elizabeth: â€Å"I mean to please you Elizabeth. † – Proctor I believe that the audience would to be getting frustrated with Elizabeth not forgiving him. The tension in the audience would also rise, due to the complete lack of any sexual tension. Arthur Millers ‘The Crucible’ raised issues that were as relevant in the 1950’s as they were today. The idea of conformity will always exist. People who define this ideologies and beliefs by which groups of people live will always exist. As will accusations made towards one group from another group, to solve their problem, or help their cause. Arthur Millers play took on some very strong issues, that are still relevant to date, it is one that cannot be ignored because of Millers ability to touch issues and themes that have plagued mankind all through history, and will continue to do so in the future.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Why I Own A Computer

Computers are capable of doing more things every year. There are many advantages to knowing how to use a computer, and it is important that everyone know how to use them properly. Using the information I have gathered, and my own knowledge from my 12 years of computer experience, I will explain the many advantages of owning a computer and how they important they are in your everyday life. I hope this helps others understand why computers and the Internet are so important to have access to. Webster’s New World Compact Dictionary defines a computer as â€Å"an electronic machine that performs rapid, complex calculations or compiles and correlates data† (Computer, 1995, p. 226). While this definition gives one a very narrow view of what a computer is capable of doing, it does describe the basic ideas of what I will expand upon. We have been living through an age of computers for a short while now, and there are already many people worldwide that are computer literate. According to Using Computers: A Gateway to Information World Wide Web Edition, over 250 million Personal Computers (PC’s) were in use by 1995, and one out of every three homes had a PC (Shelly, Cashman, & Waggoner, 1996,p138). Computers are easy to use when you know how they work and what the parts are. All computers perform the four basic operations of the information processing cycle: input, process, output, and storage. Data, any kind of raw facts, is required for the processing cycle to occur. Data is processed into useful information by the computer hardware. Most computer systems consist of a monitor, a system unit which contains the Central Processing Unit (CPU), a floppy-disk drive, a CD-ROM drive, speakers, a keyboard, a mouse, and a printer. Each component takes a part in one of the four operations. The keyboard and mouse are input devices I use to enter data into the computer. From there the data goes to the system unit where it is processed into useful information the computer can understand and work with. Next the processed data can be sent to storage devices or to output devices. Normally output is sent to the monitor where I can view it or stored on the hard-disk or to a floppy-disk located internal of the system unit. Output can also be printed out through the printer, or can be played through the speakers as sound depending on the form it takes after it is processed. Once I had grasped an understanding of the basic parts and operations of a computer, I then discovered how computers were going to make my life easier and more enjoyable. Being computer literate allows you to use many powerful software applications and utilities to do work for school, business, or pleasure. Microsoft is the current leading producer of many of these applications and utilities. Since Microsoft is the largest software producer it stands to reason most people including myself probably use one of their products on a daily basis. As for myself, I use a variety of software products from many different software vendors. Microsoft has also produced a software package called Microsoft Office that is very useful in creating reports, databases, spreadsheets, presentations, and other documents for school and work. Included in Microsoft Office, are Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Microsoft Word is a word processing program that makes creating professional looking documents such as announcements, resumes, letters, address books, and reports easy to do. I use Word everyday in my job. I write many letters and other forms of communications to my customers or fellow employees at Hewlett-Packard. Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet program, has features for data organization, calculations, decision-making, and graphing. I find it very useful in making professional looking reports. I also use it for tracking my sales and income using its spreadsheet capabilities. Microsoft PowerPoint is â€Å"a complete presentation graphics program that allows you to produce professional looking presentations† (Shelly, Cashman, & Vermaat, 1996,p. 2). PowerPoint is flexible enough so that you can create electronic presentations, overhead transparencies, or even 35mm slides. I don t use this as much as the others, but I do use it when giving tours to students who visit Hewlett-Packard. When I using the Internet it allows me access to a vast resource of facts, knowledge, information, and entertainment that can help me do my work and have fun. According to Netscape Navigator 2 running under Windows 3. 1, â€Å"the Internet is a collection of networks, each of which is composed of a collection of smaller networks† (Shelly, Cashman, & Jordan, 1995, p. 12). Information can be sent over the Internet through communication lines in the form of graphics, sound, video, animation, and text. These forms of computer media are known as hypermedia. Hypermedia is accessed through hypertext links, which are pointers to the computer where the hypermedia is stored. The World Wide Web (WWW) is the collection of these hypertext links throughout the Internet. Each computer that contains hypermedia on the WWW is known as a Web site and has Web pages set up for users to access the hypermedia. Browsers such as Netscape allow me to â€Å"surf the net† and search for the hypermedia of their choice. I have found millions of examples of hypermedia on the Internet. While surfing I also found art, photos, information on business, the government, and colleges, television schedules, movie reviews, music lyrics, online news and magazines, sport sights of all kinds, games, books, and thousands of other hypermedia on the WWW. Through the Internet I can use, electronic mail (E-Mail), chat with other users around the world, buy airline, sports, and music tickets, and shop for a house or a car. All of this, and more, provides me with a limitless supply of information for research, business, entertainment, or other personal use. Online services such as America Online, Prodigy, or CompuServe make it even easier to access the power of the Internet. The Internet alone is almost reason enough to become computer literate, but there is still much more that computers can do. One of my favorite reasons for having a computer is for playing video games. With a PC you can play card games, simulation games, sport games, strategy games, fighting games, and adventure games. Today’s technology provides the ultimate experiences in color, graphics, sound, music, full motion video, animation, and 3D effects. Computers have also become increasingly useful in the music, film, and television industry. I have used my computer to compose music, create sound effects, create special effects, and create 3D life-like animation. I haven t done this but I know its possible to edit previous existing movie and TV footage into new programs, as seen in the movie Forrest Gump. All this and more can be done with computers. I feel that there is truly no time like the present to become computer literate. Computers will be doing even more things in the future and will become unavoidable. Purchasing and learning about a new PC now will help put PC’s into the other two-thirds of the homes worldwide and make the transition into a computer age easier. I believe everyone should own a computer regardless of age. The time is now, and the future is here.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Basic Geography of Rivers

Basic Geography of Rivers Rivers provide us with food, energy, recreation, transportation routes, and of course water for irrigation and for drinking. But where do they start and where do they end? Basic Geography of Rivers Rivers begin in mountains or hills, where rain water or snowmelt collects and forms tiny streams called gullies. Gullies either grow larger when they collect more water and become streams themselves or meet streams and add to the water already in the stream. When one stream meets another and they merge together, the smaller stream is known as a tributary. The two streams meet at a confluence. It takes many tributary streams to form a river. A river grows larger as it collects water from more tributaries. Streams usually form rivers in the higher elevations of mountains and hills. The areas of depression between hills or mountains are known as valleys. A river in the mountains or hills will usually have a deep and steep V-shaped valley as the fast moving water cuts away at the rock as it flows downhill. The fast moving river picks up pieces of rock and carries them downstream, breaking them into smaller and smaller pieces of sediment. By carving and moving rocks, running water changes the earths surface even more than catastrophic events such as earthquakes or volcanoes. Leaving the high elevations of the mountains and hills and entering the flat plains, the river slows down. Once the river slows down, the pieces of sediment have a chance to fall to the river bottom and be deposited. These rocks and pebbles are worn smooth and get smaller as the water continues flowing. Most of the sediment deposition occurs in the plains. The wide and flat valley of the plains takes thousands of years to create. Here, the river flows slowly, making S-shaped curves which are known as meanders. When the river floods, the river will spread out over many miles on either side of its banks. During floods, the valley is smoothed and tiny pieces of sediment are deposited, sculpting the valley and making it even smoother and more flat. An example of a very flat and smooth river valley is the Mississippi River valley in the United States. Eventually, a river flows into another large body of water, such as an ocean, bay, or lake. The transition between river and ocean, bay or lake is known as a delta. Most rivers have a delta, an area where the river divides into many channels and river water mixes with sea or lake water as the river water reaches the end of its journey. A famous example of a delta is where the Nile River meets the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt, called the Nile Delta. From the mountains to the delta, a river does not just flow - it changes the surface of the earth. It cuts rocks, moves boulders, and deposits sediments, constantly attempting to carve away all of the mountains in its path. The goal of the river is to create a wide, flat valley where it can flow smoothly towards the ocean.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Electronegativity and Chemical Bonding

Electronegativity and Chemical Bonding What Is Electronegativity? Electronegativity is a measure of the attraction of an atom for the electrons in a chemical bond. The higher the electronegativity of an atom, the greater its attraction for bonding electrons. Ionization Energy Electronegativity is related to ionization energy. Electrons with low ionization energies have low electronegativities because their nuclei do not exert a strong attractive force on electrons. Elements with high ionization energies have high electronegativities due to the strong pull exerted on electrons by the nucleus. Periodic Table Trends In an element group, the electronegativity decreases as atomic number increases, as a result of increased distance between the valence electron and nucleus (greater atomic radius). An example of an electropositive (i.e., low electronegativity) element is cesium; an example of a highly electronegative element is fluorine. Moving left to right across the periodic table, electronegativity increases.Moving top to bottom down the periodic table, electronegativity decreases.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Flat U.S. Wages Help Fuel Rebound in Manufacturing Assignment

Flat U.S. Wages Help Fuel Rebound in Manufacturing - Assignment Example With the sluggish economy, waning consumer confidence, and less access to credit (among other factors), manufacturers have struggled to keep pace. This reality, however, appears to be drawing to a close as manufacturing numbers and production output have been up in recent quarters. This phenomenon is partly fueled by the reality that wages in this sector have remained stagnant, ironically allowing manufacturing companies to catch up on their productivity and increase profitability due to less expense related to labor costs and benefits. It is important to understand the relationship that exists between labor cost and the cost of manufactured goods. In times of decreased production, if wages kept pace with inflation, many plants would quickly find themselves in dire situations. With the tables reversed, however, and production picking up due to stagnant wages, many industries in the manufacturing sector are returning to the United States. This further fueling the economic development, even though many argue that the retailing and services side of the economy are left out in the dark because of decreased buying power exhibited by workers. There are certainly challenges facing the manufacturing industry in America as it continues to compete in an increasingly global economy, but the current signs are positive and the trends are moving in the right direction.

Friday, November 1, 2019

'China should prioritise improving its relationship with the ASEAN Essay

'China should prioritise improving its relationship with the ASEAN countries over its relationship with the US'. Discuss - Essay Example It is indeed, an open secret that the relationship between some countries is more cordial, integrative and coordinated than others. Commonly, a nation will consider a number of factors before deciding the type of countries it would forge alliance or relations with. Over the past decade or two, the need for economic advancement and growth has become one of the most paramount factors considered in the stake for selecting partner (Hyer, 2004). Political factors have also been very influential as a means of seeking political dominance. Like all other countries, China has its own international partners and coordinated countries. China’s relations with the United States for instance have been one of the most talked about over the past decade. Apart from the United States, China also has had a higher level of relationship with the Association of South Eastern Asian Nations (ASEAN). In this essay, there is a careful scrutiny to the relationship that exists between China and the United States as well as China and ASEAN to discuss why prioritizing her relationship with ASEAN would do more good to China than a prioritized relationship with the United States. Overview of International Relations International relation is basically the study of relationship that exists between countries. ... ernational relations is a pathway that leads to and brings about an essential and itemized formulation of foreign policy strategy (Dowdy and Trood, 2007). What this means is that countries engage in relationships with other countries as a means of forging and achieving long term foreign policy plans to rule their nations. Commonly, countries want to achieve political and economic power over others. But to make political dominance possible, the counties ought to have several representation and seats in as many international organizations and institutions as possible (Prakash, 1994). To this end, they would relate with other countries so as to gain voting support when the need arises for such international office elections. For economic dominance to be possible also, it is important that countries have as many international markets as possible as the size of a country’s market is proportional to the size of its economy (Shenon, 2005). Against this backdrop also, countries would want to have as many international partners as possible. Indeed, as long as the phenomenon of the League of Nations through the United Nations Organization continues to exists, there is the tendency that such flexibility and allowances that make easier inter-national relations will continue. History of China-US relations The relationship between China and the United States dates back to 1844 when it took place in the form of the Treaty of Wanghia in 1844. Among other factors, the treaty and for that matter relationship was necessitated as a means as allowing much and easier accessibility of the movement of people and good to and from the two countries. To this end, there was the fixing of trade tariffs for the two countries. Citizens of the United States were also allowed the freedom or right to

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Nursing Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nursing Assignment - Essay Example (Delaune 2006, p. 4). Female nurses, on the other hand, dominate the nursing profession. Females are also the gender being first thought by the public when nursing profession is being talked about. Both of these gender reported inequalities in different health care settings in terms of strength, knowledge and skills, as well as salary issues. But of all gender-related equality issues, the effect of Florence Nightingale to the image of nursing profession affects the male population more. Men have fared in a profession traditionally dominated by women and most of the male population suffered from gender inequality. Most of the nursing care during eleventh to thirteenth centuries was rendered by men. It was not until late nineteenth century that females dominated the nursing profession. Florence Nightingale created a big impact in excluding men from the field of nursing. Nightingale’s work had proved that nursing is a profession fit for the female discipline. Florence Nightingale left behind the contributions of men in nursing and view men’s role as physical support aid or a patient’s assistant. The Industrial Revolution also plays a role in the exit of men from nursing. During this time, science-related profession such as medicine shall be taken by the male population and nursing to the female population (Chitty 2005, p. 71). In late 1800, Mills Nursing School for Men in New York and McLean Asylum Training School in Massachusetts were the first two nursing schools established for men. The only field being considered for them is psychiatric nursing because this requires strength and stamina. In 1901 and 1908, the US Congress established the Army Nurse Corpse and Navy Nurse Corpse. However, this was restricted to women so men find it difficult to enter the military nursing. In addition, during 1941, only 68 out of 1,303 schools accepted men as nursing student (Chitty 2005, p. 71). After World War II, the efforts of men to join the field of nurs ing were recognized. GI Bill helped to increase the number of male students by providing funds for education and training. Men entering nursing schools increase after the World War II. Men have truly suffered from gender inequality It is evident from nursing leaders influence, public perception, school discrimination, and military restrictions. In the contemporary age, there are also cases of gender inequality throughout the world but there are no restrictions for male nurses in whatever field in nursing they would like to take. Men can choose from several nursing schools today without fear of being rejected. The public also views both men and women as part of the nursing profession with men, being equally caring, competitive, and compassionate as women. Gender inequality issues still occur in some areas but with the influence of contemporary era, cases reported were minimal. Nursing profession of today does not look into gender differences but to the knowledge, skills, and motivati on related to nursing care. Nursing Image: Professional Nurses Dress Code The professional nurses’ dress code reflects the nursing image. During the early times, one can easily distinguish a person belonging to the nurse profession. But now, the public found it difficult to know who exactly are the registered nurses. The New York Training School for Nurses at Bellevue Hospital was the first school to adopt a standard uniform for student nurses. In

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Causes and Impacts of Acid Rain

Causes and Impacts of Acid Rain Acid rain is an extensive dilemma faced by the world. The destructive outcomes of acid rain are one of the major contributors to this type of pollution. Acid rain is any rainfall; precipitation, snow, or fog that includes acids for instance nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide. Our society is engulfed with huge amounts of pollution from factories, cars, and garbage. The incredible quantities of sulfur dioxide released into the air, sources high levels of acid in the environment. Acid rain causes a stream of effects that kill or harm individual fish, lessen fish numbers population, entirely exterminate fish species from a water stream, and lessen biodiversity. Acid rain is sourced by a reaction of chemical that commences when composites similar to nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide are discharged into the air. These materials can go up extremely high into the environment, where they combine and retort with oxygen, water, and additional chemicals to structure additional acidic pollutants, identified as acid rain. Human activities are the major source of acid rain. Above the precedent few decades, humans beings have discharged so several diverse chemicals into the atmosphere that they have transformed the blend of gases in the environment. Power plants discharge the preponderance of sulfur dioxide and a great deal of the nitrogen oxides when they smolder fossil fuels, for instance coal, to create electricity. Additionally the exhaust from trucks, buses and cars, discharges sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere which source acid rain. In expressions of natural sources, equally decaying vegetation and volcanoes discharge gases that effect in the construction of acid rain. The terrific amounts of sulfur dioxide released into the air causes elevated levels of acid in the surroundings. Sulfur dioxide is mainly one of the vital constituents of acid rain and it helps maintain sunlight outside the atmosphere, which sources the Earth to cool Sulfur dioxide emission adds to global warming. The acidity of a substances suspended in water is normally computed in terms of Ph level. When this sulphuric acid is soaked up into humidity of the air, poignant rainfalls can be destructive to the outside environment. (Godbold, D. Huttermann, A.). Acid Rain can dissolve chalk and limestone, and oxidizes structures of outdoor. Monuments and Statues that are left unprotected can plunge casualty to the unprejudiced obliteration of acid rain. Acid Rain counters to diverse types of rocks soil and in two ways. Acid rain will melt alkaline soil and rocks, or will counteract the alkalinity. Acid rain will raise the acidity of previously acidic soil and rocks, for instance granite, or the soil which effects from oxidized granite. Natural sources, which release sulfur dioxide, are sea spray, volcanoes, rotting vegetation and plankton. Acid rain is obliterating the world’s air, lakes, and ecosystem. Acid rain affects each single feature of the ecosystem. Acid rain is distressing to crops, aquatic life, and forests, and human life. People exposed to sulfur dioxide in the air habitually have decreased lung function. It is a non point source of pollution. Pollution of Non point source is a structure of pollution which structures in an extremely extensive area and enters the polluted region in minute, dispersed flows. In view of the fact that acid rain structures in the sky, and descends to the earth a modest at a time, it is deemed a pollution of non point source. The expansion of forestlands as well demonstrates the outcomes of acid rain. Acidic rain damage trees (Godbold Huttermann,). Numerous trees illustrate the contamination gradually, on the other hand when disease and virus attacks they yield to the disease since of their weak conditions. Young plants with budding root systems are readily damaged by rainfall of acidic when pollutants penetrate the soil and are soaked up by the plants (Which, 2012). When acid rain happens, it doesnt right away affect acidity in lakes and streams. Lakes are very much affected by polluted precipitation. Acid depositions can have an unconstructive effect on our freshwater stream and lakes ecosystems by worsening the pH level of the water (Driscoll, C. T). â€Å"Numerous fish species are not capable to survive important changes in pH, and affected bodies of water might become devoid of any fish†. Approximately twenty thousand lakes have been turned acidic in the course of groundwater pollution by acid rain. A solution to lake acidity is liming. Lime is extremely alkaline, as a result when poured into lakes it annuls out the acidity (Godrick EC and Spilios KE (eds). 2011). The difficulty with liming is that it is extremely costly and only provisionally reduces acidity. (Driscoll, C. T)Currently that acid rain is extensively acknowledged all throughout the world; progressively people are doing something concerning it. We can alleviate the effects by means of an unconventional source of energy for instance batteries, wind power, solar, and electricity (What, 2013). Emissions of Fossil fuel source pollution and acid rain and are non-renewable and costly (What, 2013). An additional great source of energy is manpower; reflect on biking or walking to school or work. We can discontinue using gas-guzzler vehicles. This will help to save fuel and prevent pollution from escaping into the atmosphere. One person really can make a difference when they stop driving a non- fuel efficient automobile. Also by planting the trees will soak up a little of the polluted air and douse fresh clean, oxygen. (What, 2013). The 1963 Clean Air Act of US Federal control quality of air and that has lead to considerable progress on maintaining quality of air above the precedent years. This Act fetches strict restrictions on releases of acid rain-causing chemicals. Consequently, a lot of companies decreased emission of polluting oxides by levering from the employ of high sulfur coal to low sulfur coal, which manufactures a reduced amount of oxides when burned. (Anne T. Lawrence) Regulation, Technology, and consumer choices can all participate a function in reducing the force of energy use on the air we inhale. The U.S. Congress in 1990, generated the Acid Rain Program inside the Clean Air Act of federal to diminish the unpleasant acid rain effects in the course of yearly reductions in nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide from power plants that smolder fossil fuels. These and additional discharge reductions have lead to a major decline in acid deposition. Like a lot of other environmental issues related to energy, air pollution can be decreased in the course of energy efficient and maintenance improvements, both at the industry and consumer level. References EC Godrick and KE Spilios (eds). 2011. Principles of Biology I. Hayden-McNeil, LLC, Plymouth, Michigan. Module 3, pp 45-72. C. T., Driscoll, Ecological Effects of Acidic Deposition, Encyclopedia of Ecology, Syracuse, June, 2008 D. Godbold, A. Huttermann, (1994). Effects of acid rain on forest processes. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Sons. Inc.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Summer of SARS Essay -- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Health E

The Summer of SARS As far as I could recollect, every summer my family would travel back to Taiwan as my parents' way of paying homage to Taiwan and to immerse me and my sister in our culture and heritage. The summer of 2003 would have been just another summer spent on an over-heated and over-populated island with family and friends except for the introduction of a new viral respiratory illness named SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. It was first recognized on February 26th 2003 in Hanoi and its main symptoms and signs included high fever of over 38? Celsius, dry cough, and shortness of breath.1 At the time, my family assumed that, whatever this new disease was, it was contained within Southeast Asia and its effects would not impact our travel plans. How wrong we were! As the date for departure from LAX drew closer, more devastating reports of the rapid and deathly effects of SARS were gathered by the WHO [World Health Organization]. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 10 to 20 percent of the cases, patients required mechanical ventilation and most patients developed pneumonia. It spread by close person-to-person contact. From our relatives and friends abroad, we heard numerous distressed accounts of distantly related people who have fallen ill or possibly have come into contact with SARS. By July 2003, the cumulative number of SARS cases world wide was an impressive 8,445. Taiwan, our destination, proved to be a hot spot with 678 cases of SARS and 84 deaths since March, 2003.2 The problem with the illness was that the speed of research to understand the causative agent and the efforts to contain the illness was slower than the spread [of] disease up to this point. Ne... .... 2 WHO, "Cumulative Number of Reported Probable Cases of SARS," July 1, 2003, (accessed April 24, 2005). 3 WHO, "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-multi-country outbreak-Update," March 17, 2003, (accessed April 24, 2005). 4 WHO, "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-multi-country outbreak-Update," March 20, 2003, (accessed April 25, 2005). 5 WHO, "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-multi-country outbreak-Update," March 21, 2003, (accessed April 25, 2005). 6 WHO, "Update 61-WHO extends its SARS related travel advice to all of Taiwan province, China," May 21, 2003, (accessed April 25, 2005). 7 WHO, "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)-multi-country outbreak-Update", March 8, 2003, (accessed April 24, 2005). 8 CDC, "Frequently Asked Questions About SARS," April 25, 2004, (accessed April 25, 2005).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Brian Thorne Counselling Review

Louise, a young woman, presented to Brian Throne with a great deal of physical and mental pain and had been subjected to cyclical depression for a umber of years, usually occurring during the month of February. Before providing details under a number of skills subheadings I would like to make a general comment on Throne's capacity to summaries that which had been said by Louise at various stages throughout the session.A common criticism of the person-centered approach is that it is merely re-hashing what the client has Just said, resulting in a very slow and not very dynamic process, Brian Throne shows here how both reflection and summarizing can have very quick and positive impact on the client, when carried out tit skill. When Throne summarizes he manages somehow to add an extra layer of understanding and complexity to his summary. Which seems to allow the client to not only agree but open to further exploration.At one point during the session, Louise physically changes her posture and facial expression when Throne managed to not only reflect what had just been said but also added a layer of meaning that seemed hidden to the client. It is as if his reflection and summarizing has a synergistic and additive affect. In one particular instance he does this with a single word, ‘Personae? [22:01]. On other occasions he deftly follows his summaries with a gentle probing and allows the client enough silence and space to contemplate on what has been said and subsequently offer a reply.I can only hope that someday I can apply even a tiny fraction of the skill shown by Brian Throne. Attending and Active Listening I have combined examples of these two skills since as Throne seamlessly applies these skills throughout the session. His body language, which includes a forward- leaning posture, mirroring of Louse's facial expressions and genuine laughter at the appropriate times, all show a counselor staying in the present moment with his client throughout. He frequentl y verbalizes that he understands what she is saying and follows this up with impressive reflection and summarizing.Reflective skills Although Throne applies this throughout I have chosen a particular time [37:38], which I believe is a good example of this skill. Throne says ‘It doesn't seem genuine to you to plan anything? ‘ he Is asking this question since Louise describes how she has learned to adopt strategies in order to cope socially. She has done this for so long hat she is no longer sure which is the real her. She is taken aback by this summary and Throne Immediately states that he Is merely ‘holding it up to you'.Although this almost literal example of reflecting skills, I believe it is very apt. Being Concrete Louise finds it difficult to start the session and Throne Immediately Jumps in to Empathy When Louise describes her constant planning and strategist for every social situation, Throne replies with ‘That's so wearying? [23:38]; this to me is one of many obvious displays of empathy, which almost always get a positive response from the linen. Probing Throne probes throughout, always in a gentle and non threatening way.These probes are almost always preceded by a brief summary and/or reflection. A very good example of this is when Throne asks Louise Why did you want to drink alcohol on the train? [27:07]. Asked by another counselor, this question might elicit a defensive response but Louise tentatively supplies an answer, which is subsequently expanded on after more gentle probing. Feedback When Louise asks Throne why he asked the question about why she wanted alcohol n the train, he provides succinct but gentle feedback, which allows the session to enter a new area.He replies by saying ‘Because it seemed to me that you wanted to escape. ‘ [28:17]. Conclusion There are other examples of the skills described above throughout the session but I have tried to include the ones I felt allowed for a deeper relationship b etween counselor and client. I enjoyed this session very much and it has focused my attention on the skills required to help our clients acquire a greater awareness of themselves and their environments.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Develop Teams Individual

This report will look at identifying and implement learning and development needs for an automotive service workshop. It will look at developing a learning and development plan, elaborating a strategy to encourage staff to self evaluate performance, assessing performance, providing feedback and managing follow up.It will use Richard Parser's Automotive Service Team workshop as a case study to help understand the problems of managing people learning needs and performance implementing. Background Richard Parker has been in business for three years, in Preston, Melbourne. Richard employs eight full-time and two part-time staff. Four of the full-timers work in the workshop and two in in the back office and two in the front office dealing with customers. Richard has noticed that the front office staff and their customer service are not up to the expected level. For example customers don't get the service that they require or the product they order.Richard complains of staff not showing up for work at the right time and so on. Richard has also faced some issues with the local council over solid and liquid waste disposal. The back end office staff often confronts the mechanics when they order spare parts for the services to be carried out. The back office staff always complain of issues with suppliers. Suppliers complain of the ambiguous ordering process of the back staff. Richard finds some irregularity in his teams in terms of application of skills and knowledge. He believes that it is the right time for him to take the right actions to turn the business into the right direction.That's why he decides to identify and implement learning and development needs for is staff. Report AAA . Recommended learning method is a Training Needs Analysis (TAN) Richard could identify his team learning needs using a systematic approach and going through four steps of analysis: 1. Analysis of the competencies that each employee must have to improve the business flow. 2. Analysis of th e organization requirements to focus where is the learning and development need located. 3. Task analysis to establish what individuals and teams must learn in order to satisfy the required learning and development need. . Team analysis to determine which employee needs a learning program. To conduct this analysis Richard will need to: now his company situation, ; identify required competencies of his team, ; involve employees in decision making, survey, discuss and analyses actual data, prepare specific employee development plans, implement the plans. Before to designing the training program, it will be very important that Richard conduct a SOOT analysis, to identify his team Strengths and Weakness points; and his business Opportunities and Threats.To fill the gap between the Job requirements and current abilities of his employees, Richard has to conduct a training needs analysis, making sure that it's targeted to a specific need and satisfies training acquirement. The training nee ds will be the result of collecting information on the skills, knowledge and attitude required to perform a Job task, identifying the training need and performance gap. When designing the learning needs analysis, Richards aim is to: ; assess the current situation. Define the problem (what gaps exist? ). Determine if there is a need for training/learning. Determine what is driving this need for training/learning. ; evaluate existing training. Assess the possible learning solutions. Ascertain information about logistical considerations/constraint. The Training Needs Analysis will provide the following benefits: ; A clear indication of what needs to be included in a training program. ; Assists in developing learning outcomes (by identifying precisely what needs to be learnt). ; Clarifies areas for assessment. O Provides guidance on development, delivery, presentation methods and media to be used. Provides knowledge of the target audience, training gaps and proposed content. ; Will allo w specific evaluation to ascertain its success. AAA. Learning and Development Plan. Name: Paul smith Date: 25. 02. 2014 Job position: Front office, customer service. Learning improvements goals Dealing with customers Communication with the staff Being at work on time Learning outcomes Delivering effective customer service Team working Effective internal communication Respect of workplace rules and workflow Strategies / steps or actions Analysis of training needs: interview to identify performance needs. Identification of appropriate learning methods: consulting of guest speaker. ; Employee self-evaluation of performance: simulated work experience. ;Owner feedback: on-the-Job coaching or mentoring. Follow up: simulated work experience. Behavior/expectations/support ; Elaborate a learning plan targeted, collaboratively developed, agreed to and implemented. ; Owner identifying and approving resources and time lines required for learning activities. ; Employee proclivity to fill in the performance gaps.Owner providing coaching and mentoring assistance. Owner providing encouragement and positive feedback to the employee. Data/ resources Survey to be subordinated during informal interview. ; Guest speaker identifying appropriate learning methods. Timeline ; 1 week for analysis ; 1 week for simulating work experience, feedback and follow up. AAA. Employee self-assessment. SELF ASSESSMENT Employee details Name: PAUL SMITH position: FRONT OFFICE work area: CUSTOMER SERVICE contact no. : 555 555 555 1. Sees your current level of skill/knowledge relating to the skills/knowledge provided: I know how to take orders from clients, how to answer to phone calls, how to record appointments on the agenda. 2. Think about the requirements of your Job in relation to the skill areas and note the major task/knowledge requirements of your position: I need to improve my approach to the Clients, delivering effective customer service. I need to learn how to use suppliers database, to imp rove communication tit back office staff. I need to learn more about mechanical components, to improve communication with staff.I need to respect more workplace rules and workflow. 3. Where you can identify that your skills/knowledge are less than those required for your position, tick the box Training Required: a) Dealing with customers b) Communication with the staff c) Being at work on time 4. Where training is required, decide how soon your training should occur: a) the next 2 weeks b) In the next 2 weeks c) Immediately AAA. Feedback mechanisms. In Richard needs to collect feedback on performance of team members from relevant resources and compare with established team learning needs.Feedback on performance may include: ; Formal/informal performance appraisals. Obtaining feedback from clients. Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues. Personal, reflective behavior strategies. ; Routine organizational methods for monitoring service delivery. Richard may use some formal systems in comparing established team learning needs, such as measurement systems (including planning), individual and team performance and reward systems, resource allocation systems. Richard should use also some informal yester in comparing established team learning needs, including meeting formats and conflict resolution protocols.AS. Development program Goals. Richard has to identify and develop program goals and objectives in order to establish clear training goals, learning objectives, and long-term objectives based on the outcomes that his employees wish to achieve. The goals and objectives indicate what the participants will learn and achieve as a result of their learning. To be effective, training must be specifically structured to meet stated outcomes and must be based on: ; Clear and measurable goals. Clear and learner focused objectives. Long-term objectives, to establish a pattern for future evaluation.Richard should provide to his employees a document that specifies in a structured format how they should perform a Job or work role (competency standard). AAA. Appropriate Learning Methods. Learning delivery methods appropriate to the learning goals may include: ; Conference and seminar attendance ; Formal course participation ; Induction Involvement in professional networks On-the-Job coaching or mentoring Presentations/demonstrations ; Problem-solving Work experience It is important to give the right consideration to participants expect and their earning style.Some learning methods might be not effective because: ; Lack of practical information (too much theory or background and not enough â€Å"how-to† approaches or action steps). ;Material too elementary and/or out of date, no â€Å"state of the art†. ; Not enough group interaction (too much lecturing). O Lecture notes and visuals not sequenced with course coverage. Sometimes boring. Disorganized – skipping from topic to topic with no sense of direction. ; Poor visuals. To p rovide an effective training program, the trainer should: ; Assess in advance the relative importance of each segment of the learning program. Spend more time on the most vital segments. Determine priorities for the elements of the session in advance. An effective trainer should avoid spending too much time on relatively lightweight portions of the learning program and being sidetracked by too many questions. AAA. Workplace opportunities. Informal session for customer service for front office staff. ;Refresh training in the main workshop. Rear house session with supplier sell manager. AAA. Assess and record outcomes of recommended training.Assessment in training is about measuring learners to see if they have reached the stated objectives of the course. To assess and record outcomes and performance of individuals and teams you need to evaluate their knowledge and their skills. 1 . Knowledge: what learners gained as a result of training. These assessments test the recall of facts, co mprehension skills, analysis skills, synthesis skills and evaluation skills. 2. Practical skills: the application of knowledge to a given situation. Knowledge and Practical skills include four main types of assessment: 1 .Real work: Takes place whilst the learner is performing real work, on- the-job. 2. Simulated work: Usually performed off-the-job, possibly in a training room or mock up work site. 3. Written: Used to demonstrate in written form what they know, either on paper or on computer. 4. Oral: When learners speak about what they know. One of the key challenges with assessment is to be able to assess the learning back in the workplace, â€Å"on the Job†, and it is possible to check it through the Performance Review Programs, which include observations on the Job.It is also fundamental to record assessment, keeping â€Å"training records† through a recording system that enables easy identification of what training each staff member has completed and when. Dependi ng on the size of the organization, this could be a simple matrix or it ay be done through the use of software commonly known as a â€Å"Learning Management System† (ALMS). AY. Adjusting the learning program. After monitoring and evaluating if the training course met the aims and objectives for which it was developed, it is important to adjust the learning program, if it is not u to expected dimension.Based on both assessment and evaluation, it might be needed to make or recommend changes for future training to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. Changes can be made on different sides: TIME: Recommending a review of time to address the time to provide a more impressive treatment of the subject or selecting in lecture notes. CONTENT: Reviewing or re-writing the content of a presentation, for example to ensure emphasis on the practical application of the material. DELIVERY: Focusing learning material on fact and accepted knowledge not on opinion or on a partic ular style of management.Proposing to the learners generally and officially accepted management techniques and policies. FORMAT: Including a glossary of terms and an annotated bibliography to the notes. Organizing the content of the learning notes, making frequent use of headings and sub-headings and bullet points. Reviewing formatting and printing to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning. Providing copies of the learning material in advance so that those involved with changes can be appraised of the current presentations. AI. Documenting and maintaining records and reports of competency gained.Many methods can be employed to document and maintain records: ; Training evaluation form template Course participants to complete and to hand form to trainer after completion ; Assessment by course Director/Supervisor/Owner Owner/Supervisor to complete either with, or after discussion with the participant. Owner/Supervisor to complete either with, or after discussion with the participant 1 . Have you seen the desired changes to the participant's skills or knowledge? Yes 2. How will you test that the participant has gained from this course? Simulating work experience. . If the participant did not make the gains necessary, what can be done to address this? He can be trained again trough an on-the-Job coaching or mentoring and he could attend a formal course about customer service, internal communication and mechanical components. 4. From discussions with the participant, are you both attested that attendance at the training plan was worthwhile? Yes 5. Other comments? Elaborating a training need analysis was a effective way to improve my staff knowledge and skills and to implement and develop an effective team work.Supervisor: Richard Parker Date: 25. 02. 2014 Conclusion/Summary This report has looked at identifying and implement learning and development needs for an automotive service workshop. Developing a learning and development plan, elaborating a stra tegy to encourage staff to self evaluate performance, assessing performance, providing feedback and managing follow up. The process of monitoring, evaluating, implementing and developing people performance is essential to the success of any business.